Bioretention Soil

The Bioretention Soil has been developed around the CIRIA SuDS manual guidelines for filter media in a SuDS application. The Green-tree Bioretention soil provides an efficient permeability rate to avoid waterlogging on the surface area but holds sufficient nutrient levels and organic matter to support the vegetation used.


The Bioretention soil offers a solution to sustainable urban drainage systems  which are designed to move water in a manner that controls the release into the main sewer system or into attenuation or harvesting systems for re-distribution into irrigation and smart drainage systems.

Bioretention Soil Benefits

  • Designed with CIRIA Guidelines
  • Good water holding properties
  • Contains high organic content
  • Excellent aeration properties

Bioretention Soil Analysis

Bioretention – Standard Bioretention -High Performance
Substrate Density
Bulk Density when Oven Dried 1.40 g cm-3 1.16 g cm-3
Water & Air
Total Porosity 38.6% 42.9%
Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity 2.1 mm min-1
126.00 mm hour-1
6.2mm min-1
372.0mm hour-1
Organic Matter (weight) 3.0% 3.6%
pH 7.3 6.9

 For the latest analysis and bulk density of this product please contact our team.

Bioretention Soil Applications

  • Rain gardens
  • Grey water management schemes
  • Flood management schemes

NBS Clause

Section  Clause  NBS Clause Title
Q28 330 Imported manufactured topsoil/growing medium
45-40-85 340 Special imported topsoil and growing media

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