CPD Seminars

Professional Seminars at your Workplace.

The Green-tech Specifier team has a wealth of knowledge and experience of the landscape environment after many years of working with landscape contractors, architects and garden designers.

The team can bring their seminars to your workplace – and we’ll even provide lunch.

Our Seminars

Our seminars cover a wealth of landscape applications from green roof installation to wildflower species selection and maintenance. The portfolio of Green-tech Specifier seminars can be presented online or at your workplace – we will even provide lunch!

Urban Tree Planting Systems

Supporting the paving above, whilst protecting the soil below; without any plastic in the actual tree pit.

The Green-tree Guide to Good Soil

The difference between natural, screened and manufactured soil.

Green Roof Planting

An introduction to green roof types, substrates and installation.

Effective Tree and Plant Irrigation

Considerations to make when installing an irrigation system.

Introduction to John Chambers Wildflowers

The benefits of using wildflower seed in projects, and factors to consider when choosing mix.

Rural Planting and Ground Care

 Identifying the threats to young trees in the rural environment, and what can be done to protect them and keep them healthy.

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