CPD Seminars
Professional Seminars at your Workplace.
The Green-tech Specifier team has a wealth of knowledge and experience of the landscape environment after many years of working with landscape contractors, architects and garden designers.
The team can bring their seminars to your workplace – and we’ll even provide lunch.
Our Seminars
Our seminars cover a wealth of landscape applications from green roof installation to wildflower species selection and maintenance. The portfolio of Green-tech Specifier seminars can be presented online or at your workplace – we will even provide lunch!
Urban Tree Planting Systems
Supporting the paving above, whilst protecting the soil below; without any plastic in the actual tree pit.
The Green-tree Guide to Good Soil
The difference between natural, screened and manufactured soil.
Green Roof Planting
An introduction to green roof types, substrates and installation.
Effective Tree and Plant Irrigation
Considerations to make when installing an irrigation system.
Introduction to John Chambers Wildflowers
The benefits of using wildflower seed in projects, and factors to consider when choosing mix.
Rural Planting and Ground Care
Identifying the threats to young trees in the rural environment, and what can be done to protect them and keep them healthy.
Urban Tree Planting Systems
See how TreeParker Cell System allows the tree to establish natural, healthy growth in the upper, aerobic soil area, whilst protecting the organic, open soil from compaction.
- The benefits of urban planting
- Understanding the requirements for healthy tree establishment
- Specification plan drawing
- How TreeParker Cell System works –its features and benefits
- How to put less plastic in the ground
- Step by step installation video
- Project examples and product sample
- Q&A session
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The Green-tree Guide to Good Soil
The difference between natural , screened and manufactured soil.
Explore the different soil types within the UK, and discover how not all soils are created equal.
- The benefits of manufactured soils
- Tree soil volume guidelines
- Structural vs Non structural
- Nutrients , drainage and oxygen
- The PAS100 green compost process
- Applications and specific soil types
- Lightweight green roof and rain garden substrates
- Project examples and product samples
- Q&A session
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Green Roof Planting
An introduction to green roof types , substrates and installation.
Discover the surprising benefits of green roofs and why they are so effective at improving our green infra structure.
- The main types of green roofs and their characteristics
- The e nvironmental and financial benefits
- Planning tools
- How a green roof is constructed
- Selecting the correct substrate
- How to attenuate source runoff
- Project examples
- Q&A session
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Effective Tree and Plant Irrigation
Considerations to make when installing an irrigation system.
Discover simple , efficient and cost effective ways to give your trees and shrubs the best start, whilst reducing ongoing maintenance costs.
- A void the biggest cause of mortality in urban trees
- Understanding how trees take water from their surroundings
- Benefits of reservoir systems over surface watering
- How the Mona irrigation system provides adequate water and aeration
- Learn about the flexibility to suit all layouts
- Project examples and product samples
- Q&A session
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Introduction to John Chambers Wildflowers
The benefits of using wildflower seed in projects, and factors to consider when choosing a wildflower mix.
Learn about the rich heritage of the British native wildflower industry, and how since the early 70s, John Chambers has been at the forefront in championing the use of home grown species
- Seed supply and provenance
- Choosing your wildflower seed mix
- 100% wildflower or grass mixes
- Seed mix: urban / rural / green roof / custom / turf
- Bees and pollinators
- Land preparation and sowing advice
- Ongoing maintenance
- Q&A session
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Rural Planting and Ground Care
Identifying the threats to young trees in the rural environment, and what can be done to protect them.
Working with landowners, councils and forestry commissions, Green tech has a rich history of protecting our rural landscape from guarding against roe deer, to staking alongside motorways discover the best way to protect and stabilise our rural environment.
- Rural tree planting & protection
- Staking methods, canes and belting
- Tree guard and shrub shelter recycling scheme
- The biodegradable options
- Irrigation and anchoring
- Ground protection
- Erosion control and slope stabilisation
- Q&A session
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