Clay Soils Wildflower Mix

The Clay Soils Wildflower Mix is made up of perennials, biennials and annuals, this mix accommodates plants that thrive in heavy clay soils. Clay soils can be found in dry conditions as well as wet, boggy conditions which the plants in the recipe can adapt to.


Wildflower  Percentage Wildflower  Percentage
Burnet; Salad 9.50% Sorrel; Common 5.00%
Buttercup; Meadow 8.50% Vetch; Kidney 5.00%
Knapweed; Common 8.00% Knapweed; Greater 4.50%
Medick; Black 6.50% Selfheal 4.50%
Plantain; Ribwort 6.50% Cat’s-ear 3.50%
Carrot; Wild 6.00% Hawkbit; Rough 3.50%
Yellow-rattle 6.00% Yarrow 3.50%
Bedstraw; Lady’s 5.50% Plantain; Hoary 1.50%
Daisy; Oxeye 5.50% Crane’s-bill; Meadow 1.00%
Bird’s-foot-trefoil; Common 5.00% Cowslip 1.00%




Soil Type Heavy
Maximum Height 150cm
Flowering Period April – September
Coverage 1.5-2g/m2
Frequency Perennials/Biennials/Annuals
Shade  3 out of 5
Sun 5 out of 5
Drainage  4 out of 5
Colours  5 out of 5
Pollinator  5 out of 5


In this mix

Meadow Crane’s-bill/Geranium pretense
Meadow Crane’s-bill is a violet or blue flower, often found naturally in damp lowland hay meadows,  stream sides and road verges. It is also often a popular addition in residential gardens, coping well with different soils, including clay. It is often visited
by bees, making it a good flower to include to benefit pollinators.

Frequency Perennial
Height Up to 55cm
Colour Violet/Blue
Flowering period June – September
Soil Clay, Loam, Limestone
pH Neutral, Acid
Moisture Moist to Wet


Wildflower Seed Calculator

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*The figures provided by the calculator are a guide only, we advise contacting one of our specification team to discuss your project requirements in full.